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Osteitis Pubis and Running

Osteitis pubis is the result of inflammation around the lower front of the pelvis, where the left and right pubic bones meet. 

The pubic bone is one of three bones that make up the hip. The joint where the pubic bones meet is called the pubic symphysis, and is made up of cartilage. When it and the surrounding muscles become inflamed due to stress on the joint, osteitis pubis occurs.

The most prominent symptom of Osteitis Pubis (OP) is the pain felt in the groin and/or lower stomach. One might also experience pain or tenderness when pressure is applied to the front area of the pubic bones.


Most commonly, osteitis pubis affects athletes and other people who are very physically active. Football players, hockey players and long distance runners are susceptible to the condition. In such athletes, it is often noted that there has been incorrect or insufficient use of deep abdominal muscles, such as the transversus abdominus muscle.

Inadequate core stability can result in repeating and/or overusing the same movements, which can place pressure or cause inflammation on the pubic symphysis. In addition to running and jumping, kicking, skating, and even basic sit-ups can put unnecessary pressure on the joint. The adductors, which insert into the pubis symphysis area, may also become overworked by the same excessive movement, potentially resulting in injury to the adductor tendons and pubic bone. This can then lead to osteitis pubis.

Osteitis pubis in women can also develop after childbirth. A really long labour strains the muscles of the pelvis causing inflammation.

In our experience, many female runners returning to exercise from pregnancy experience osteitis pubis. Most complain of an unstable pelvic floor which tends to place too much pressure on the pubic bones.

We have found that common reasons experienced by our athletes include muscle imbalances and a return to running following childbirth. Tight hips and adductors can also play a role and serve as initial warning signs.

How can Supacore Coretech products help?

Supacore Coretech’s compression leggings and shorts for men and women are designed to assist the management and recovery of groin injuries such as osteitis pubis. Research shows that wearing a sacro-iliac belt boosts core stability and reduces groin pain. Coretech compression leggings and shorts are made to replicate the compression provided by a sacro-iliac belt for comfortable and supportive wear when exercising or playing sport.

Supacore designers have worked alongside physiotherapists to create shorts and leggings that promote core stability through the use of our patented technology waistband. The Coretech leggings and shorts apply external compression force at the pelvis, imitating the body’s natural stabilising system, particularly the transversus abdominis and the lumbar-sacral multifidus muscles.

The Coretech shorts and leggings are intended to stabilise the pelvis and help any injuries to recover. The compression force helps to restrict excessive movements, decrease the overuse of susceptible muscles, lessen irritation and inflammation of the pelvic joints. The shorts and leggings should be worn whilst the athlete is recovering and when they reintroduce themselves to running or other high impact exercise to reduce the risk of recurring injury.

For women who are recovering from pregnancy and delivery, Coretech leggings and shorts may be able to assist. It has been seen in some women that supportive activewear can help in the recovery of the pelvic floor, whilst also aiding in pelvic floor dysfunction, post abdominal separation and postnatal return to exercise. After childbirth it is most important to allow time for the body to heal before returning to running. New mothers should begin with low impact exercises such as walking and squatting as well as wearing Coretech compression shorts or leggings to ease their way back into exercise and ensure they do not cause injury to themselves.

Other ways to prevent osteitis pubis from persisting

One of the main ways to avoid recurring osteitis pubis is to gain core stability. Core stability is achieved when the pelvis is correctly aligned, both sides are equally strong, and there is a sufficient amount of movement in the hip and sacroiliac joint (not too much or too little).

  Before running or any exercise, it is imperative to stretch and warm up effectively in order to ensure your muscles are ready. Wearing supportive sportswear, such as Supacore Coretech compression leggings or shorts, whilst running is also really helpful as they maintain core stability and deep core muscles.

 There are many exercises that can be used to help increase core stability, such as squats, lunges and cable hip flexions. When exercising, you should focus on the different muscle groups exclusively to prevent persistent injuries.

 If osteitis pubis, or any other injury, does persist, it is essential to seek help from physiotherapists or sports medicine professionals. They will be able to assess the condition you are experiencing and test the function and strength on the affected joints and muscles. It is important to be well-aware of your injury in order to recover quickly and not prolong the pain, and the sooner you will be able to return to running.

  Shop the women's range here   Shop the men's range here 


Healthline. 2020. Osteitis Pubis: Treatment, Symptoms, Exercises, Radiology, & More. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 May 2020]., 2020. Sacroiliac (SI) Joints. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 May 2020].


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