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Pain relief for Osteitis Pubis (OP) and related groin injuries.

Osteitis Pubis (OP) pain relief.

Osteitis Pubis (OP) is a condition caused by repetitive stress to muscles that attach in the groin area, causing pain over the pelvis, hip, and groin. This groin pain can be felt even when performing simple daily movements and activities and can be severe when playing a sport. Osteitis Pubis ( OP)  may also be referred to as Gilmore's Groin, Groin Disruption, Pubic overload, Inguinal Disruption, Sportsman's Groin, Sportsman's Hernia, Athletic Pubalgia, Hockey hernia or Hockey groin.

Here we would like to share with you some simple but very effective techniques to help you treat and prevent chronic Osteitis pubis pain and injury from occurring or reoccurring. It is recommended that if you have groin pain that you consult your physician or physical therapist for a complete diagnosis. 


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Stretch and warm up properly before exercise

Regardless of what, when and how often you are working out, it is important to warm up your muscles beforehand. This essential step gives your muscles and joints, as well as your heart and lungs the opportunity to prepare for the strenuous activity you are about to begin. Warming up will help you avoid straining your joints and causing Osteitis Pubis pain.

Depending on the type of exercise you are doing, you will want to include a few different stages to your warm-up. This can include a light jog, skipping, basic aerobics and different forms of stretching. The aim of the warm-up is to increase your heart rate and your respiratory rate as well as pumping blood and oxygen to the muscles.

A groin strain is a muscular tear or rupture to any one of your groin muscles; usually one of the hip adductor muscle group. Your body has five adductor muscles: adductor brevis, longus, magnus, pectineus and gracilis. Any of these groin muscles can be strained but the most common is adductor longus. It is important to warm up these groin muscles.

We have found a great article on some groin warm-up exercises.

Try to avoid activities that cause discomfort

Exercise is a progressive process whereas you become fitter, you are able to handle more stress on your body. This means that you can attempt more challenging types of exercises or increase the intensity of your current workout. Knowing what stage you are at with your fitness will help you figure out how far you can push yourself before the exercise becomes potentially harmful.

It is important to note that as you are progressing, you can choose to modify or avoid certain types of exercises if you are not ready, or if they cause you any pain or discomfort. Understanding your limits will help you to identify when you need to stop and rest, as well as if you are in need of medical attention.

Work on the strength and flexibility of key muscles

To be able to work at your peak, you need to be constantly focusing on the strength and flexibility of your different muscle groups. The same applies to your pelvic area. 

The main area to focus on in order to prevent Osteitis Pubis is your core.  Some of the best exercises to help prevent chronic groin pain and Osteitis Pubis are exercises that engage the core such as planks and any abdominal exercises which are particularly beneficial in strengthening the muscles around your pelvic bones.

 Here's an article that talks about the major benefits of core strength.

 Take time to rest and recover

In order to increase the performance of your muscles, it is essential that you give yourself some time to recover from the strain of exercise. Resting is a very crucial part of exercise because it gives your body the opportunity to repair the soft tissues.

As your body is moving up towards a higher level of fitness, it needs time to adapt to the increased amount of intensity and effort that you are putting into exercise. If you avoid this step and continue to apply pressure to your pelvic area, you are likely to develop symptoms of Osteitis Pubis.

 Use proper gear

At times of strenuous activity, your body performs better and is less likely to get injured if it's supported with appropriate workout gear such as footwear and high-quality compression wear.

A proper pair of running shoes will help to stabilise your hips and knees and give you sufficient cushioning for your feet, as well as supporting your lower legs as you are walking or running. Compression wear is essential in supporting major muscle groups, reducing soft tissue damage and improving blood circulation - as well as assisting the body in recovery.

The CORETECH™ technology in Supacore compression wear goes one step further in preventing OP, by activating your core during exercise and providing support to key muscle groups. Compression shorts may help with your Osteitis Pubis pain relief by helping to keep your pelvis stable and activating your core to prevent further injury.




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